PromegaBiotic-f HF-Lab
Biological treatment for shrimp larviculture
PromegaBiotic-f® HF is the product of more than 25 years of R&D in biological aquaculture treatments. It contains a synergistic combination of probiotics and natural bioremediation microorganisms that, together with stimulants of bacterial growth, detoxify the water in larviculture tanks and improve the health of the larvae.
Product characteristics
- 5 highly efficient strains of microorganisms that work in synergy to produce probiosis and bioremediation, accompanied by activating enzymes and culture medium.
- Probiotic microorganisms that improve shrimp health by suppressing pathogenic microorganisms within the animal and in the water column.
- Bioremediation microorganisms that reduce dissolved ammonium, nitrate, nitrite, and hydrogen sulfide in water.
The product is effective in the following environmental conditions
- Salinity from 0 to 41 ‰
- Temperature from 11 to 39oC
- pH 5.6 to 10.6
Bacillus, Lactobacillus cepas, Levaduras, nutrientes, enzimas y medio de cultivo.
Bacteria concentration:
Minimum 1.0 x 109 CFU / g. [1.0 x 1012 CFU / kg].
Product storage
- Recommended storage temperature is 5 to 25°C.
- Do not store continuously at temperatures above 40°C.
- Do not freeze.
- Store out of direct sunlight in a well-ventilated area.
- Close the package after each use.
Useful life
Two years if stored as recommended.
In plastic containers with a safety lid containing 8 resealable bags of 1 kg each or resealable bags of 250 g each.
Manufactured in USA